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List of Applications

  • Steam bypass valves

  • Process bypass valves

  • Water control valves 

  • Desuperheaters, attemperators 

  • Stop valves 

  • Process valves

Our Applications


With a long history in Combined Heat and Power (CHP), Combined Cycle PP, Concentrated Solar Power and Super Critical PP, our critical control valves are used in bypass, desuperheating, isolation and spray water control applications.

憑藉在全球熱電廠 (CHP)、複循環機組電廠、聚光太陽能和超臨界/ 超超臨界電廠方面的悠久歷史,我們的控制閥用於旁通、過熱降溫、隔離和噴水控制應用。

Turbine Bypass System


During startup, shut down and turbine trip, the steam normally passed through the turbine is bypassed by Steam Turbine Valves into the condenser, to a downstream process or to the atmosphere. This allows the power delivery from the turbines to be closed, while still recycling the steam. The turbine bypass system consists of both pressure reduction and steam desuperheating. Valves used in this application must provide low noise, high flow and pressure drop capabilities, while also be suitable for large temperature differences.


Boiler Attemperator


Boiler attemperators are used to fine tune / control steam temperature from a boiler, as well as the steam temperature between boiler stages. They must be able to control the temperature during startup, shut down, turbine trip and full load, and provide precise temperature at all conditions while withstanding high temperature differences and cycing. Attemperators include HP inter-stage, reheat inter-stage and final stage.


Heater Bypass System


Feedwater heaters are used in power generation to pre-heat the feedwater coming from the feedwater pump before being fed to the boiler in order to improve steam generator efficiency. The bypass system consists of two 3-way isolation valves, the HB is installed upstream from the heater, and the HBS is installed downstream. In normal operation both valves are opened, allowing water to flow through the heater. In case maintenance is required for the preheater, water needs to be bypassed around it, and it needs to be isolated. A quick shutoff prevents further damage to the preheater, and maintains feedwater supply to the boiler.

給水加熱器用於發電,在將來自給水泵的給水送入鍋爐之前對其進行預熱,以提高蒸汽產生器的效率。旁路系統由兩個三通隔離閥組成,HB 安裝在加熱器的上游,HBS 安裝在下游。在正常操作中,兩個閥門都打開,讓水流過加熱器。如果預熱器需要維護,則需要在其周圍繞過水,並需要對其進行隔離。快速關閉可防止進一步損壞預熱器,並保持鍋爐的給水供應。

Soot Blower Steam Service


Heat transfer inside a boiler is hindered by combustion material accumulated on the heat absorbing surfaces of the boiler. Soot blowers utilize steam to remove this material and maintain boiler efficiency. Soot blower steam valves utilizes main steam sources, controlling the flow and pressure to accomplish the task without causing damaging noise and vibration.

Our Applications
Turbine Bypass System
Boiler Attemperator
Heater Bypass System
Soot Blower Steam Service

HG Wells

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